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The assets package provides a way to manage web assets in your web application. It receives a folder where your assets are on the disk and returns an http.Handler that serves these files.

This handler is capable of a few things that are useful for web development:

  • Asset fingerprinting (to avoid caching issues)
  • Hot code reloading (when the assets change on disk)

Usage #

The usage of the assets package is centered around the Assets manager instance.

// Assets is the manager for the public assets
// it allows to watch for changes and reload the assets
// when changes are made.
Assets = assets.NewManager(public.Files)
// Register the assets handler
// This handler will serve the files from the public folder
	r.HandleFunc(Assets.HandlerPattern(), Assets.HandlerFn)

Fingerprinting Helper #

The assets manager provides a PathFor helper that can be used in your templates to use the fingerprinted version of an asset.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="<%= assets.PathFor("/css/app.css") %>">
// will output something like
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/css/app-cafe123ff22112eedd.css">

Hotcode Reloading #

The assets managers provides a handler function capable of serving the files in the assets filesystem. This handler considers the GO_ENV variable to look in for files in disk before looking into the embedded filesystem passed.