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LeapKit 🚀🎒

LeapKit is a collection of packages to help you build your next application with Go. Its main purpose is to make web development as fast and simple as possible and is targeted at web developers trying to take the leap and launch their next project.

There are three components of LeapKit:

  • The LeapKit Core
  • The LeapKit Template
  • The kit CLI

LeapKit Core #

The LeapKit Core module contains the Go libraries with common web features. Things such as form binding, form validating, database migrations, and routing helpers, and hot code reloading live in this package.

LeapKit Template #

The LeapKit Template contains a starting point folder structure using the LeapKit core that uses the LeapKit core and the standard library to provide common functionallity.

kit CLI #

The kit CLI is a CLI tool with the development operations needed to acelerate the development of LeapKit based applications. With the kit CLI you can do things such as initializing a LeapKit application, running migrations, code generation and runnign the app in development mode.