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Leapkit provides a way to set a session in your app to persist values needed throughout the app. Leapkit uses the gorilla/sessions package for this.

Setup #

To set the session in your app, you have to use the server.WithSession server option and pass a session secret key and the session name.

s := server.New(
   server.WithSession("secret_key", "session_name"),

Handling session values and flashes #

To use the session struct within your handler, retrieve it from the context using the session.FromCtx() function. Then, you can manage your session values according to the gorilla/session package docs. For instance:

func Handler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    ss := session.FromCtx(r.Context())

    // setting a session value
    ss.Values["sessionVal"] = "value"

    // getting a session value
    myVal := ss.Values["sessionVal"].(string)

    // setting a flash message
    ss.AddFlash("peter", "username_flash")
    // {
    // 	"_flash": ["welcome!"],
    // 	"username_flash": ["peter"],
    // }

    // getting flash messages
    flashes := ss.Flashes("username_flash")
    // ["peter"]
    // ...

You can omit the session.Save() method only if you use http.ResponseWriter methods because the response writer is replaced by a Leapkit session implementation, which saves the current session. Otherwise, you have to use it.