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Leapkit's db package streamlines database management operations. It offers you support for both PostgreSQL and SQLite3 database engines.

These are the tools that you can find within the db package:

  • Management: Create and delete your database.
  • Connection: Establish and manage database connections.
  • Migrations: Modify the database data and schema structures.

Let's explore each tool in detail.

Management #

The db package offers two essential functions: Create() and Drop(). These functions enable you to set up and manage your database for your project. Simply provide the database URL as a parameter to create it. These functions internally identify, based on the URL structure, which database engine will be used to process the action.

import ""

var databaseURL = "postgres://user:password@host:port/db_name"

// Creating the database...
if err := db.Create(databaseURL); err != nil {
    // handle the error

// Dropping the database...
if err := db.Drop(databaseURL); err != nil {
    // handle the error

Connection #

To establish a connection with your database in your app, use the ConnectionFn function, which returns the *sqlx.DB and an error if the connection cannot be established.

var (
    databaseURL = "postgres://user:password@host:port/db_name"

    DB = db.ConnectionFn(databaseURL)

conn, err := DB()
if err != nil {
    // handle the error

Options #

By default, the ConnectionFn function is configured to connect to a PostgreSQL database engine. But if you want to connect to your SQLite3 database, you should use the db.WithDriver() option. With this you can define the driver to stablish the connection with the database. The allowed driver names are:

  • postgres
  • sqlite or sqlite3
databaseURL = "/path/to/your/sqlite3.db"

DB = db.ConnectionFn(databaseURL, db.WithDriver("sqlite3"))

Drivers #

So that the db package can connect to your database, ensure that you import the specific driver package for the database engine you want to use.

  • PostgreSQL:
  • SQLite3:

Examples #

Connecting to a PostgreSQL database engine #

package main

import (
    _ "" // importing the PostgreSQL driver.

var (
    databaseURL = "postgres://user:password@host:port/db_name"

    DB = db.ConnectionFn(databaseURL)

func myAwesomeFunc() {
    conn, err := DB()
    if err != nil {
        // handle the error
    // ...

Connecting to a SQLite3 database engine #

package main

import (
    _ "" // importing the SQLite3 driver.

var (
    databaseURL = "/path/to/your/sqlite3.db"

    DB = db.ConnectionFn(databaseURL, db.WithDriver("sqlite3"))

// ...
func myAwesomeFunc() {
    conn, err := DB()
    if err != nil {
        // handle the error
    // ...

Migrations #

Within the db package, Leapkit offers tools for database migration operations.

Creating migrations #

To create a migration, the db package provides you with the GenerateMigration() function, which creates a file with a name with the convention YYYYMMDDHHmmss_migration_name.sql, for instance 20260626100405_my_awesome_migration.sql.

By default, migrations are created on the ./internal/app/database/migrations path. However, you can set a custom migration path by applying the UseMigrationFolder() option.

import (

// ...
err := db.GenerateMigration("adding_new_column_to_my_awesome_table",

if err != nil {
    // handle the error

Running migrations #

To run your database migrations, you can make use of RunMigrations function, which receives an embed.FS file to locate your migrations files, and the *sqlx.DB connection.

// /my/awesome/migration/path/migrations.go
package migrations

import "embed"

//go:embed *.sql */*.sql
var FS embed.FS
package main

import (
    _ ""


var (
    databaseURL = "postgres://user:password@host:port/db_name"

    DB = db.ConnectionFn(databaseURL)

func applyDatabaseMigrations() {
    conn, err := DB()
    if err != nil {
        // handle the error

    if err := db.RunMigrations(migrations.FS, conn); err != nil {
        // handle the error
    // ...