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Leapkit uses Go 1.22 routing as the core of its routing system. This means that you can use the same routing system as you would in a Go application. This is done by using the http.HandlerFunc type as the handler for the routes.

r.HandleFunc("GET /{$}", channels.Default)
r.Group("/settings/", func(r server.Router) {

	r.HandleFunc("GET /edit", settings.Edit)
	r.HandleFunc("GET /join-token/generate", settings.GenerateJoinToken)
	r.HandleFunc("PUT /update", settings.Update)

LeapKit Server #

The leapkit server is a wrapper around the Go http.Server struct. It provides some extra abilities to the server, such as the ability to group routes and middleware.

The server paackage is where all these features live. You can create a new server by calling the server.New function.

package main

import (

func main() {
	s := server.New()

	fmt.Println("Server started at", s.Addr())
	if err := http.ListenAndServe(s.Addr(), s.Handler()); err != nil {

Returned Router instance configured with a default router so you can add handlers just like you would in a Go application.

Built in middleware #

The server has some built-in middleware that you can use to add some extra functionality to your server.

  • Logging
  • Panic recovering
  • RequestID
  • ValueSetter **

Router options #

The router returned by the server.New function can receive some options that you can use to configure the server.

// Initializing the server with some options
s := server.New(
	server.WithHost("localhost"),    // Set the host of the server
	server.WithPort("8080"),         // Set the port of the server

WithHost #

WithHost allows to configure the host of the server. By default its

WithPort #

WithPort allows to specify the port of the server. By default its 3000.

WithSession #

WithSession allows to set a new session into the server. Read more.

Middleware #

The Router returned by the server.New function has a Use method that allows you to add middleware to the server.

// headerMW is a middleware that adds a header to the response
func headerMW(next http.Handler) http.Handler {
	return http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
		w.Header().Set("X-Hello", "World")

		next.ServeHTTP(w, r)

	s.HandleFunc("/hello", helloHandler)

	fmt.Println("Server started at", s.Addr())

Grouping Routes #

The Router returned by the server.New function has a Group method that allows you to group routes together, this is useful to have a better organization of your routes.

package main

import (


func main() {
	s := server.New()

	// The API group of routes
	s.Group("/api", func(r *server.Router) {
		r.HandleFunc("GET /hello", helloHandler)
		r.HandleFunc("POST /hello", createHelloHandler)
		r.HandleFunc("DELETE /hello", deleteHelloHandler)

	fmt.Println("Server started at", s.Addr())
	if err := http.ListenAndServe(s.Addr(), s.Handler()); err != nil {

Folder Serving #

The Router returned by the server.New function has a ServeFiles method that allows you to serve files from a folder or any other io.FS.

package main

import (


func main() {
	s := server.New()

	// ... Other routes

	// Serve files from the public folder
	s.ServeFiles("/public", http.Dir("public"))

	fmt.Println("Server started at", s.Addr())
	if err := http.ListenAndServe(s.Addr(), s.Handler()); err != nil {